Sunday, 7 January 2018


Just wanted to share a recent commission I completed for a friend of their cat, DC.
Drawing was A3 so the scan didn't fit all the image but you get most of it.
Done on Strathmore toned tan paper with Derwent artist and coloursoft pencils. Approx 10 hours.

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Maya: Error reading file.

Recently while re-topoing Auyron I had some issues importing decimated ZBrush files into Maya. After a bit of digging around online I found a solution to my '// Error: line 0: Error reading file.' problem, so I thought I would share! =)

The problem is with the faulty lines of information in the file.

To start, attempt to import the obj file into Maya. You should get the error: '// Error: line 0: Error reading file.' Then open the script editor.
Take note of 1 specific line in the log: '// Error: line 0: OBJ file line 105719: index out of range for face creation. // 
This tells us that the error is in line 105719 of the file.

Next step is to open the obj file in textedit or notepad and find the offending line.

As you can see, two out of the three numbers (which are coordinates for a point in the mesh) are the same. These can NOT have the same value and this is what causes the error. To fix this, change the value by adding +1 or -1. (just enough to fix the issue but not a visual difference)

Then save the file and import into Maya!

Keep in mind you may have to do this multiple times as I had to in the example (the line just under that had the same issue). Often the problem lines are close to each other so I just skim the numbers to pick up any other issues before I save.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Auryon Re-Visited.


I've been thinking of redoing the retopo, rig and baking for Auryon for a while. Started retopoing tonight;

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Dreamgate September

For the past couple of weeks i've been working on some assets, art + animations for the Anti-light (now called the Ghostlight) and changing the light colours.



New light colours!

I am really loving working on the Ghostlight and learning how to animate in Flash, although it is tedious. =P

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Dreamgate Week 5

Sorry for no post for last week. Got sick with Tonsillitis =(
The one day I could go in though I worked on the Anti-light and how its 'light' would effect the level.

This week we have all been working on our pitch for next week. (eek!) 
I've been creating some level mockups to use in our presentation based off already made levels (to show the levels in the Aztec theme).

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Dreamgate Week 3

We have picked a theme, Aztec! I think it fits in and follows on well with the current Egyptian theme.

I've also been concepting some changes that could be made to the idol and baby to fit them in with the Aztec theme.

Also some Anti-light concepts.

Before the theme decision this week I fleshed out and changed the underwater theme concept a bit.

The next 2 weeks are school holidays so Dreamgate blogs will be back after then! =)

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Dreamgate Week 2

This week we have been creating some concepts for some of the themes we liked to explore the most.

I did some work on an ice theme, forest (temple) theme and an underwater theme.

I've also been learning the level building tools so I can create levels of my own! =)